Izzy Says… Pet Peeves

As a full-time sleeping passenger, I’m just along for the ride. My Mom, Dad and sister have a few things that things that should be common sense while traveling through the US. We have all seen these things at least once and my parents wish someone would listen. Low and behold, I am listening and giving them all the love and letting the know that everything will be ok.

Here is the listen of common things that should be common knowledge, all from my prospective of course!

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Field Trip: Notre Dame Stadium

There are times in our lives that we often dream about what our kids will be when they grow up.  Our son Tyler, is out on his own and currently owns a business in Brandenton, FL.  Amber is working on finishing high school a year early.  College visits are something that are quite common among high school students.  We don’t know where to start since being on the road.  However, we think we found the beginning of a college visit tour.

The University of Notre Dame is widely known.  We have watched movies on that use the school as a focus, remember Rudy.  While we were in Elkhart, IN, we found a unique but fun adventure.  We took our first college tour.  Albeit it was just the stadium, it was enough to inspire Amber to visit other campus tours throughout our journey.

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Baseball, Horses, Caves, and Bourbon

In no particular order of course. We add a new state and a celebrate Thanksgiving in Kentucky.  We spent our Thanksgiving hiking in caves.  From hiking caves, viewing a horse race at Churchill Downs, seeing how baseball bats were made and tasting some of the Kentucky Bourbon, we journeyed into the state of Kentucky and just scratched the surface of what this beautiful state has to offer. We jammed backed our 2 weeks here. Join us for our reviews of the western part of Kentucky. We will be back to visit the eastern part soon.

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Field Trip – Gateway Arch

On February 22, 2018, The Gateway Arch in St Louis became the 60th National Park.  The Arch took just over 2 years to build and was a representation of the westward expansion from the time of Thomas Jefferson – hence called the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial.  The Arch is 630 feet tall and taller than the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington.  The Arch can sway up to 18 inches and was built to withstand earthquakes and extreme high winds.

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State Capital Tour: Columbus, Ohio

There are 51 capitals to visit within the US.  Nope that is not a trick, there are 50 state capitals and 1 US Capital.  We plan on visiting on each one as we journey throughout the states.  We discovered this field trip idea when we were in Salt Lake City and since then we try to get to every state we visit.

We visited our 7th state capital in Ohio.  Located almost in the center of the state in Columbus, the statehouse is the 2nd largest capital building in the US.  The statehouse is the original.  Many of the other state capitals we have visited, the buildings are often the 2nd or 3rd building.  The Ohio Statehouse has had 2 other locations throughout the state.  The 3rd and final location in Columbus.  It’s location is close to the railroad, river and all major roads flow through it.

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Nomadiversary – 1 Year

We made it.  Seems like just yesterday we set out on our adventure to find a new home.  We soon realized our home was with us all along.  Home is not just a place but is the people we spend it with.  Our family of 3 and a our princess dog have been away from our stick and brick home for 365 days and nights.   We have celebrated 3 birthdays,  We celebrated our 4th Wedding Anniversary, and visited 15 states.  We went to Alaska on a 7 day cruise.  Amber has flown “home” twice.  We have had a broken ankle, a visit to Thor Warranty, seen snow, seen both the Pacific and Atlantic, and seen Bigfoot in Oregon.

We lived everyday to the fullest and with minimal stuff.  We eat at home most nights and play most weekends.  We learn how to make do with what we have, we worry about the weight of our bus, we learn that we have to work as a team to get anything done, but most importantly we smile more and love more.

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National Park: Cuyahoga Valley

There are 60 National Parks throughout the United States.  All parks have a unique story on how they became part of the National Park Service and Cuyahoga Valley in Northeast Ohio is no different.  Cuyahoga means “crooked” to the Indians.  The Cuyahoga River runs through the park.   Throughout the park there are many examples of the early inhabitants.  Some of the homes that are still remaining have a New England style design.  In order to preserve the land the National Park Service designated the land as a recreation area in 1974.  In 2000, the park was given the designation of a National Park. 

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Postcard Round Up: Week 3

This week we sent out 4 postcards to friends and family.  We love sending out a personal note to say “Hi” and let them know we are thinking of them.  We love having new friends to send cards to, let us know by sending your address and your birth day(MM/DD only).

Field Trip: Chicago, Illinois

Known as the Windy City, we spent the late afternoon in Chicago.  The bustling city on a Sunday afternoon was quite a surprise.  Many big cities that we visit on weekends are often desolate and easy to find parking spaces.  However, on this day, the Bears just lost to the NE Patriots on their home field and there was plenty of traffic and upset fans throughout the city.  We eventually found a parking spot that did not cost a arm and a leg ($21 an 1/2 hour is not in our budget) and we were able to visit a few landmarks within the city.

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State Capital Tour – Indianapolis, Indiana

A great way to learn the history of the state you are visiting; is to visit the state capital.  About 2-3 hours you can learn how the state government works, and the similarities of other states. 

We have visited 5 US State Capitals and 1 Canada Providence Capital.  All tours have been free and some we have to go through metal detectors to enter.  Most tours are available several times during the day and have a tour guide.  We often have the opportunity to have a self-guided tour around the building.

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