A great way to learn the history of the state you are visiting; is to visit the state capital. About 2-3 hours you can learn how the state government works, and the similarities of other states.
We have visited 5 US State Capitals and 1 Canada Providence Capital. All tours have been free and some we have to go through metal detectors to enter. Most tours are available several times during the day and have a tour guide. We often have the opportunity to have a self-guided tour around the building.
This recent Capital Tour is in Indianapolis, Indiana. Sometimes the tours can seem to be repetitive, however, we learn at least one new thing about the state. This state is the home of our current Vice President Mike Pence. We also learned that a second grade class was instrumental on getting a state insect adopted – Say’s Firefly. A piece of interesting information was that Indianapolis is the most populated city in the state.

The building has beautiful architecture and stories to tell. We were able to get a lesson on how the appeals court works in the state. The most unique part of this visit was that there was a wedding happen as we ended our tour. On our visit today we learned that the capital city was built for the intent of establishing a state capital versus instituting a capital at an existing city.
House Chamber Indiana Supreme Court
So for about an hour of your afternoon and a cost of a parking, it is well worth the visit. All information regarding tour times and parking are found on the capital website.
Capitals we have visited:
- Salt Lake City, Utah
- Boise, Idaho
- Salem, Oregon
- Jefferson City, Missouri
- Indianapolis, Indiana
- Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

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Planning to visit here this year. Thanks for the info.