People think that we are already on some sort of vacation. We have heard from others that they feel the same way. We work and school on the road during the week and there is really no time for a vacation. We live normal lives of working and exploring on a daily basis and we have to build real vacations into our routine. Sometimes, this is really difficult because we travel so much. But we made it happen.
We started cruising several years ago to vacation as a family and take a break from our electronics. We have been to the Caribbean several times, Mexico and Honduras. Where we really wanted to go to was Alaska. Now that we live in a RV and we can take it with us, we could drive there, but we decided when we were in Las Vegas, to book a cruise for September to cruise out of Seattle.
Royal Caribbean Explorer of the Seas really out did themselves with all the amenities that could be but on a cruise ship. We had plenty of food and great service throughout of 7 night journey. We also had a celebration for a special young lady that turned 16 while we were on the cruise. We all shared an inside cabin and hardly turned on the TV. We were so busy making origami, learning how to make cupcakes or sushi, to watching awesome stage productions, that we hardly spent much quiet time in the stateroom.
We have 3 ports to get off the ship. Juneau, Skagway, and Victoria, BC.
Juneau is the capital of Alaska and is land locked. Which means there are no roads going to or out of the city. You either have to travel buy ferry/boat or plane to get there. Weird for a capital city, but it was still neat nonetheless. Excursions are one way to see the city and all that is has to offer. We were very fortunate that a group of cruisers needed to fill 3 seats on their private tour of the city. We went with 13 Australians that had a great time with us three Americans. It was a wonderful time had by all. We visited Mendenhall Glacier, a Salmon Hatchery, the breaching Whale statue, and some lookouts that we can view the water and surrounding areas.
Skagway was a beautiful city that we were able to walk around and see the whole city within a few hours. We took a Klondike Tour from the National Park Service that told us about how the city landed on the map. We were able to have an excursion on a Street Car that gave us more history on the city and even took us to an overlook to see the whole city.
Our last stop to get off the boat was in Victoria, BC, Canada. We were able to add a country to our adventure. We have never been to Canada and we were really excited to visit. We visited the Capitol building of British Columbia and took the capital tour. We visit many different capitals, as much this is similar to other capitals. We were able to walk around a see some of the architecture of the city. We were also able to sample a few of the chocolate candies that come from England.
For us this was a unique experience in cruising. It’s not too often the cruise ship is the vehicle for site seeing.
If your looking for a travel agent. Karen Richardson was able to take care of all the details from start to finish. Cruise Away Discount Travel in Deltona Florida.

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