A Real Vacation – Alaskan Cruise

People think that we are already on some sort of vacation.  We have heard from others that they feel the same way.  We work and school on the road during the week and there is really no time for a vacation.  We live normal lives of working and exploring on a daily basis and we have to build real vacations into our routine.  Sometimes, this is really difficult because we travel so much.  But we made it happen.

We started cruising several years ago to vacation as a family and take a break from our electronics.  We have been to the Caribbean several times, Mexico and Honduras.  Where we really wanted to go to was Alaska.  Now that we live in a RV and we can take it with us, we could drive there, but we decided when we were in Las Vegas, to book a cruise for September to cruise out of Seattle.

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A little fun…

Besides Field Trip Friday’s and exploring on the weekends, to pass time while we work, we like to have a little fun.  This week it just happen to be Izzy’s turn to be our muse.

She is having a tough time eating, sleeping, and getting around.  She seems to use her eyes to bring us in to care for her just a little more than usual.  She is our little Martian and is doing much better.  Amber said she looks like an ice cream cone and all we need is the ice cream.  Her prognosis is looking great.

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Home This Week – Missouri

Almost a year ago we set out on a journey that would take all over the United States.  We have visited 19 states and many different places of interest.  We are moving fairly quickly these past few weeks to get to an appointment that we have in Elkhart, IN.  Part of our journey is picking our places to call home for a week or so.  This week we are in Danville, MO.  Between Columbia, MO and St, Louis, MO.

We have a few places we are planning on visiting.  The capital in Jefferson City, the Gateway Arch, and Grant Home.  We plan to have some St. Louis BBQ.

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Question of the Day: Doctor’s Visits

This is a common question for both human and four legged family members.  All of home doctors are back in Florida and we are planning a trip back there soon but in the meantime, we might need to see a doctor along the way.  As we journey throughout the nation, we plan for regular check-up in the cities we are visiting.

We have all had our check-ups in Salt Lake City, and all the doctors there were really excited and wanted to know more about our nomadic lifestyle. When we were in Flagstaff we did our 6-month teeth cleaning.  Also, in Flagstaff, Amber broken her ankle and we were able to visit with an orthopedic doctor to get her straighten out.  Our insurance allows us to visit doctors not just in our home state area, but anywhere as long as we chose an in network doctor.  So far we have not an issue with visiting a doctor.

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Field Trip – Presidential Library – Harry Truman

In 1955, the Presidential Libraries Act was formed.  This act encouraged future Presidents to “donate their historical materials to the government and ensured the preservation of Presidential papers and their availability to the American people.”  There are 13 Presidential Libraries across the US and we have just stated visiting them while on our journey.  Barack Obama’s Library will be finished in 2020 in Chicago, IL.

The first library under the Act that was built was the Harry Truman Library in Independence, MO.  Just outside Kansas City, we were able to visit this library and learn more about Mr. Truman.

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Question of the Day: How do we communicate?

Communication is the key to any relationship.  Since living full-time in an RV and traveling every few weeks, communication is an important aspect of our daily life.

Being on the road daily and missing our family and friends back home, we often always find a way to communicate to them.  Of course we have social media – We are on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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Buffalo, Elk and Bears, Oh My.

Headed East to get warranty work done, we had a week stay at the Yellowstone’s Edge RV Park, 35 miles to the North Entrance.  While we were enjoying the community over the camp fire, we were excited when a fellow RVer informed us that we should visit Yellowstone National Park more than once.

We only planned to stay one whole day in the park, but we ended up spending two evenings and a whole day in the park.  It was all surreal and an awesome experience.  We all highly recommend you visiting this National Park and plan for a few days of adventure.

Buffalo grazing at Yellowstone. Everyday we were there that week we saw plenty of wildlife. Mainly Buffalo and Elk.

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